Usually I wait until lunchtime to post, but I’m up early and there’s news, so let’s do this…
I don’t have the official word yet, but last night I heard from a very reliable source that the sixth annual Stumblin’ Elvis pub crawl is being planned for Saturday, August 9. I’ve also heard several smoking hot women say they’re doing the pub crawl again, and there wasn’t much to their outfits last year. Guess I’ll be doing it again this year too, especially now that I’ve figured out my “annoying Elvis tourist” gimmick that allows me to not have to wear a polyester jumpsuit when the heat index is 107 outside. I’ll post more details as I get them.
Hey guys, if Stumblin’ E is indeed happening, how about creating an event on Facebook and inviting people now? Instead of waiting until five days before like you did last year. People need time to plan costumes, y’know.
The Orpheum is showing Office Space tomorrow at 7 on the big screen. Come early at 6 for a tasting of beers and ales from High Cotton Brewery. There will be a button-making machine so guests can make their own flair. Tickets are $7 for the movie, and $5 for four beer tasting samples.
This is very cool: A new company called MadeIn will launch its website next week. MadeIn will be a website where people can buy and sell local goods, kind of a local version of Amazon. This startup will also sell gift boxes that include an assortment of local products. Founder Jennifer Sadler wisely used the resources of Start Co. to get her company going.
Here’s info on a Memphis Made Brewing Co. beer dinner happening at Bardog next Thursday (click for larger size):
The Memphis Farmers Market is having their second annual Rock n Wild picnic on Saturday, July 26. There will be food From Rock n Dough and SO Fresh food trucks, and wine from Castello Monaci Wines by Frederick Wildman. Of course, there will be plenty of beer, and Big Barton will provide the live music. Guests can feel free to bring lawn chairs or picnic blanket. It’s a fundraiser to support the market and locally-grown produce. Tickets are $25 in advance on the website or $35 at the gate.
Lively discussion last night between a couple of the Squeal Street team leaders, a couple of Moody Ques regular team members, and “Mr. Load-in.” I’m the guy everyone gives feedback to because I’m approachable and will listen. Too bad we had someone who isn’t a part of either team and who had no business in the conversation attempt to be a part of it. It’s a rare person who manages to pull off being a d-bag and an r-tard simultaneously. People were texting me last night telling me they’ve noticed a strong correlation between my announced “plans for tonight” on the blog and his Foursquare checkins. Ya think?
Plans for this morning: Drive to Horn Lake and have another Texas Death Match with jQuery. I may be back at lunch with another post.