I read an awesome article and wanted to pass it on: Why women owners struggle with self-approval. Every woman, whether a business owner or not, ought to read this. Come to think of it, men should read this too. The article contains one of the secrets to life. (I’m being serious here. This isn’t another of my tube top posts.)
The 1985 movie Clue is on the big screen at the Orpheum tonight at 7. This comedy/murder mystery was inspired by the board game. Come early at 6 to play a mini-version of Clue in the lobby for prizes and for drink specials.
The Plaintiffs headline the Peabody rooftop party tonight. It’s a casting call for the Memphis Flyer’s fall fashion issue for anyone out there interested in doing a little modeling. $10 admission, doors open at 6, ladies and hotel guests free until 7. Admission includes a buffet of popcorn and Pronto Pups. If you’re in VIP, you get a second buffet with a nacho bar, pretzels, Cracker Jacks, and potato chips. (Is the chef at the Peabody on vacation this week?)
Wiseacre Brewery has announced its beers that it is bringing to the Green Beetle’s third anniversary party tomorrow: Tiny Bomb, Ananda IPA, Try Double IPA, Berliner Weisse, Avast! Pirate Porter, and Kling Klang Dusseldorf Alt.
Plans for tonight: Well, since I have a douchebag who makes a habit of showing up wherever I do, let’s just say I’m making my annual visit to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan to observe the mating habits of several species of mountain goats. The douche can’t afford a plane ticket to Bishkek (or even Jackson, TN for that matter) so he’ll have to find someone else’s conversation to intrude upon.