BBQ on The Edge with the Moody Ques August 8, 2015

2015-08-08 20.34.21


The BBQ team is getting fired up for the fall competition season, and we decided to have a practice cook at the Holliday Flowers warehouse on Monroe in The Edge. Brent and his team from Holliday Flowers have turned vision into reality at Tom Lee Park for us for several years now, leading us to four consecutive finishes in the top three for Best Booth, including two first-places. Brent was kind enough to invite us to his warehouse for the practice cook.


What a neat space! I didn’t get the chance to ask Brent what this building used to be. It looks like it was an old motor hotel or apartment building. Whatever it was, I bet it was cheap to stay there – not many years ago, The Edge was not the finest of neighborhoods. In any case, it is a neat building and Holliday made a great find.

It is farther east than I realized. Google StreetView put 444 Monroe just east of Danny Thomas, but really it is about a block farther down.


The seafoam green color scheme of the building reminds me of the days when I lived in San Diego and would drive around Point Loma.


Head cook Frank grilling up the brats using Royal Oak charcoal. Because of the cookout, Memphis Farmers Market board president Frank had to be away from the Market yesterday A.M. He counted on “Mr. Load-in” to step up and hold down the fort.


Otto, John D, and Mike


Moody Ques cookouts are dog-friendly.


Nice to have Duck (in the Mississippi State shirt) back with us.


Our inspirational leader/father figure helping set up the buffet




Frank and Erik preparing the pulled pork


Our fearless leader, fresh off the plane from Jamaica, mon.



Full photo album here. What a neat group of people that I am proud to call my BBQ family. We may not have a case full of cooking trophies – yet – but we are improving and most importantly, we are having a lot of fun. If you are not on the Moody Ques but would like to be, shoot me an email at and I will put you in touch with the team leaders. Of course, we are always happy to talk to potential sponsors too.

Whew. I tried to get the photos uploaded last night, but halfway through I lost my Internet connection and didn’t get it back until this morning when I rebooted pretty much every device I own, including the router. And of course it happened as I was on call for work and had them asking me to do stuff remotely. This weekend has pretty much been Murphy’s Law as far as work is concerned. Good thing the places I go have Wi-Fi. The netbook is probably going to be my companion today when I go out. I may do a news post before going out, so check back.