Tue update #2

Been a while since I made two posts in one day! I’m feeling much better and I want to thank those of you who emailed me, either telling me your own stories about anxiety issues or expressing concern that I didn’t post for a week. Not only am I feeling good, but I made a life decision yesterday which I think will keep me feeling good in the future.

The Memphis Farmers Market has its end of year survey up, where you can give feedback on how often you go, when you go, how much you spend, and what your favorite things are about the market. There was one interesting question: How would you feel about alcohol being served at the market?

My first reaction, as you can imagine, was “YESSSSSS!!!!!!” But then I thought about it a little more. One reason I like the market is because it’s a place to hang out that’s NOT a bar. I see a different crowd down there than I do when I go to, say, the Saucer. Would alcohol change that dynamic? Plus the market is family-friendly. On the other hand, I would not mind being the bad, bad man with the mimosa in his hand when I go there. (It’s too early for PBR and they would never sell it there anyway)

The award-winning Newsies opens at the Orpheum tonight. Local has a special menu for patrons who want to grab dinner before going to the show.

Inc. Magazine has an article on the city that might be up-and-coming as the hottest startup hub. Guess which city it is? Hint: The city has an intersection of Main and Union and there’s a company called Start Co. there.

That’ll do it for this fairly short post. Heading out to Blind Bear for beer and possibly poker.