Star Wars-inspired art show in The Edge plus more Wednesday news

Coinciding with the theater debut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there will be what sounds like a very cool art show at 444 Monroe this Friday from 6 to 9. A Force of ART will feature works of art celebrating the greatest blockbuster of all time.

Besides the Star Wars art, you should consider coming just to check out this space. 444 Monroe is the Holliday Flowers warehouse where the Moody Ques do our practice cooks. It is a converted 1961 motor lodge with a seafoam green color scheme that has been converted into a warehouse and event space. I love this building. Most Downtown residents have no idea it is there. It is on Monroe east of the ballpark, between Lauderdale and Marshall. The High Cotton brewery is next door, on the other side of a creek in between.

Speaking of the BBQ team, I know I have some readers from Chicago. For those of you up there, be sure to check out the Pilsen Winter Market this Sunday at Honky Tonk BBQ, owned by Willie who was our team cook 2007-2011.

Rizzo’s Diner is starting a Loyalty Lunch card program. Come in and get your card, and get it punched every time you have lunch at the restaurant. Get it punched 5 times, and your sixth lunch is on the house.

Ride the Roo, the shuttle which transports people from Overton Square to Cooper-Young and back, was sideswiped near the Beauty Shop Saturday night. Damage was pretty substantial. If anyone witnessed this or has information about who did it, please call 901-577-7700.

My friend Rodger, the Texan who loves chicken fried steak, is on a trip to San Antonio and tagged me in this photo:

Photo Dec 15, 7 36 07 PM

Now that’s a nice-looking chicken fried steak! I like it when they take up the whole plate.

New blog that is worth checking out: One901, the adventures of a Memphian. Although barely a week old, this blog is off to a great start. Recent posts include photos from the DNA Christmas party and a review of the Sushi Jimmi food truck. Follow the blog on Twitter at @one901blog.

The new bar/restaurant and entertainment space to be renovated at Florida and Carolina (see yesterday’s post for details) has a name – Loflin Corner. The building used to be Loflin Safe & Lock Co.

As a web developer I love this tweet:

From Choose901: Meet the founders of Memphis City Football (soccer) Club

Time to drive up to Elvis Presley and get some Jack Pirtle’s. Possibly a second post after work for the third consecutive day. I will probably hit the Silly Goose for happy hour this evening.