Before I get to today’s news, I’d like to wish a happy birthday to my good friend and BBQ team treasurer Misty. Misty keeps our team financials in impeccable shape. She’s down in the Dominican Republic with some of our group of friends celebrating, and I hope she has a wonderful day. You know how sometimes I start to say something on here, then say, “Better not finish that thought, or I’ll get fussed at by a redhead.” Misty is the redhead.
Misty recently told me, “You know the only reason I fuss at you is because I love you.” Yes, Misty, I know. Love you too.
Should I give an example of something that would make her fuss at me? Nah, not right now. Maybe tomorrow….
Wow! I just checked and we have a dew point of 77 as I type this. The Vane has an article on how the dew point affects the heat index and how dew point is a better measure of how much moisture is in the air than relative humidity. “Dew points below 60°F are comfortable, while those above 65°F are uncomfortable; readings above 70°F are oppressive,” the article states. I saw a heat index of 106°F on Weatherbug yesterday, one degree above the danger threshold at which heat exhaustion and heat stroke can quickly set in. It’s going to be that hot and muggy again today, so don’t spend a lot of time outside if you don’t have to. In fact, you’re welcome to join me at Bardog, where the icy cold A/C will be blowing full force. I’ll be there from 11 until at least 4. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling when you step out of the sticky heat and that first blast of air conditioning hits you? Why not treat yourself to that today?!
Gizmodo has a suggestion to help you beat the heat:
The best fan to get you through the sweaty summer
— Gizmodo (@Gizmodo) June 21, 2019
Another way to stay cool is to go by the Flying Saucer for its 22nd birthday celebration today.
Next door to the Saucer at the Silly Goose, plans to install a pizza oven have finally been approved. I look forward to mid-to-late June 2026, when I will be eating one of the first slices of pizza to come out of the oven as I discuss whether 8-year Grizzlies veteran Jaren Jackson Jr. will re-sign with Memphis in free agency.
I saw a most interesting news item on ESPN yesterday: Major League Baseball may have a two-city team at some point in the future. The Tampa Bay Rays have been given permission to talk to the city of Montreal about playing early season games in Tampa, and the remainder of the season in Montreal. Makes sense… in April it’s often too cold in Montreal to sit outside for three or more hours, but in July and August Montreal is pleasant while Tampa is oppressively hot. Shawn Danko from Kooky Canuck commented that when they play in Montreal, they need to play as the Expos. I agree!
Memphis River Parks Partnership, Memphis Travel and I Love Memphis will host Vibe on the Island on Independence Day from 6 to 10 PM. Ping Rose, Black Cream, and Marcella & Her Lovers will perform in The Grove on Mud Island. Fireworks start at 9:15, and guests are encouraged to bring their blankets to the south lawn for the best view. This event is free and open to the public.
Regina’s Cajun Kitchen is hosting a very exclusive couples cooking event on Sunday, August 11 from noon to 3 PM. This will be a romantic experience and will be very hands-on, with couples preparing an appetizer, main course, and dessert. They will also teach the couples how to make their Walk Me Down bourbon cocktail. They are only taking 5 couples, so if this is of interest, act fast.
Elite Total Health is planning a second location, out in Lakeland, in 2020. If you want to have more energy, are feeling sick, or want to lose weight, just walk on into their existing location at South Main and MLK and they can take care of you.
From Lifehacker: The best bar regulars are the quiet ones. TRUTH!
Former Memphis Tiger guard Jeremiah Martin did not get his name called in Thursday’s NBA draft, but he signed a deal nonetheless. Martin is on an Exhibit 10 contract with the Miami Heat. He will attend summer camp with Miami and then will have the opportunity for a two-way deal with Miami and their G-League affiliate.
Nashville has officially banned electric scooters from its streets, citing public safety and accessibility reasons.
Memphis magazine’s Michael Donahue has a classic dining column out in which he features two wonderful Downtowners, Cordell and Tawanda Pirtle. They actively support their neighborhood and community, and their restaurants make delicious chicken.
Memphis Made Brewing Co. is having a summer solstice party in the taproom tonight.
Memphis 901 FC hosts Club Pachuca Tuzos tonight at AutoZone Park at 7.
Not sure how much I’d recommend these since they’re going on outside, but two big events today are the Island Block Party in Harbor Town and the Margarita Fest out east in Shelby Farms.
That’ll do it for today. Everybody stay cool and I’ll be back tomorrow with more news.