Want to help those in need? Here’s a great way.

My friends Dennis and Mary Pat volunteer at St. Vincent DePaul, a wonderful organization that helps the poor and homeless.  I asked them to e-mail me some information about it.  I especially like the fact that although the volunteers believe they are serving Christ by giving their time and money, they do NOT preach to those in need.  They simply give from the heart.  Their e-mail is below.

St. Vincent de Paul Society usually operates out of the Catholic Church but it is a non-denominational organization dedicated to helping those in need. It is not a traditional “preaching” type ministry. The members are volunteers who go out and help anyone in need. Here’s a quote from the Memphis SVDP webpage (www.svdpmemphis.org). “The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.”

St. Mary’s Catholic Church operates the soup kitchen downtown. Here’s a quote from their webpage (http://www.stmary-memphis.com/soup-kitchen/) “St. Mary’s Catholic Church Soup Kitchen has been operating continuously for one hundred-thirty-six years! The soup kitchen serves the poor, the homeless, the less fortunate and the marginalized in our community. We serve more than 50,000 meals each year.”

These are just two of the many fine organizations in Memphis who are there to help those in true need. Instead of giving money to the scammers on the street, people should consider making a donation to these charities. Anyone truly in need can go seek help and find it. I would also encourage your readers to consider volunteering for a shift at the soup kitchen from time to time. It is very rewarding, and it really makes a difference.