BREAKING NEWS AND IT’S GREAT NEWS: A contract to purchase the Tennessee Brewery has been signed, saving the building for demolition.
I saw a quote on Twitter today that describes my job to a T: “This is front-end dev… 10 hours of fun times building cool things, 10 hours of making it work in IE.” Exactly! Is there a web developer out there who cannot relate to that?
New event at Bardog’s alley party/fundraiser for St. Jude which is set for Sunday, August 17: For $10 you can race a Yuengling motorized cooler for the chance to win one to take home. Sounds like fun and a prize that many Downtowners will have an interest in. Seriously, don’t miss this party, and taking a vacation day on the 18th would not be a bad idea.
The Flyer has a good article about Riverfront Bar and Grill in Beale Street Landing. It will give you a good idea what to expect at this new restaurant, which recently obtained its liquor license.
Here’s info on a wine tasting dinner happening at Paulette’s on Tuesday, August 5.
From Lifehacker: There are some websites that will not let you use your fingers to zoom in when you’re using iOS. Here’s a workaround that lets you zoom in on those sites anyway.
Off to Bardog. I’m on call for work so I’ll be in and out tonight.