Got a request for my readers. I didn’t go to the trolley meeting Monday night, but a friend of mine who was with me at Bardog got a text that “the trolley meeting is getting a bit heated.” Can anyone provide details? Email if you can.
In related news, MATA chose a new general manager at a board meeting last night. Keep in mind he was hired the day after the trolley meeting and can’t be blamed for anything that happened there.
Tiger basketball news: Josh Pastner is expected to hire Keelon Lawson as an assistant by the end of the week. Lawson has three sons who are top prospects for college ball within the next five years, and a fourth son who is a sixth-grader.
Downtown agency RedRover has a new logo. It’s part of the #RoverRefresh campaign in what is expected to be a big year for the agency.
The Grizzlies have posted a photo of the 2014-15 Grizz Girls and video of their final audition last night at the Orpheum.
@ObsidianPR tweeted a good Henry Kissinger quote this morning. “If it’s going to come out eventually, better have it come out immediately.” Very true.
Pink Pig polos, formerly sold Downtown at Shelton Clothiers, are back in stock at the Poplar, Union, and Cordova Outdoors Inc. locations. They also have a new item: Pink Pig performance T’s.
Like to read? Amazon is prepping an unlimited Kindle book rental service that will likely cost around $10 a month.
High Ground news about national developer Artspace’s plan to renovate United Warehouse at 138 St. Paul into artist studios and living space.
Plans for tonight: Nothing. This is going to be a rare day when I don’t do happy hour. My company is kicking off a 12-day tournament in Las Vegas this afternoon, and I need to be available in case there are issues posting results. So, I’ll spend a rare evening at home, probably giving the apartment a much needed cleaning. If I get the all-clear on the results I will be out about 8, but I really don’t care too much if this is completely a night at home.