Ow. My ribs.

Earlier this week I had several “Ow, my leg” posts. I pinched the sciatic nerve that runs down my lower back and left leg, and it was painful to sit, stand, walk, lie down, you name it. The good news is, the leg has entirely healed and I’m walking normally today.

The bad news is, earlier this week, I attempted one of the most painful moves of all given the back/leg condition – getting out of my car. I pulled my left leg out too fast and OWWWW! – and I pulled back and banged my ribs against the steering wheel.

So now my leg is all better and my ribs on my right side hurt like hell. I can’t win.

Briefly went out, went to the Saucer, saw a crowd of about 90% guys, turned around and walked back out. Too cold to deal with the Peabody or EP rooftop parties. Hate to stay home tonight since it’s the beginning of a 3-day weekend, but that looks like the best option.