Here’s a look back at a long Memorial Day weekend in photos:

The Dempseys at Automatic Slim’s Friday night, with guest singer.

1970s “Polizei” BMW that was driving around Downtown on Saturday.

Not the first time I’ve seen someone walking the streets of Downtown with a trash bag slung over his shoulder, but it was the first time I’ve seen Bicycle Bobby do it. The Ques Brothers had an extra keg, and we borrowed a trash bag of ice from the Saucer to ice it down.

Sunday at the Saucer, my friend Chris requested a “really, really cold beer.” This is what they brought him.

Chris enjoying his extra cold beer.

You may need to click the image above to zoom in and see what I’m talking about here. These are the plates of the five newest members of the Flying Saucer’s UFO Club, including the very newest who had his plate party last night. From right to left the dates read
- February 21, 2009
- April 20, 2009
- May 10, 2008
- May 22, 2009
- May 24, 2008
Looks like the Saucer doesn’t know what year it is. I love it when they do stuff like this.
Yesterday I got up too late for brunch, so I headed directly to the Saucer and met up with the gang for Sunday Fun Day, and enjoyed some Leinenkugel Sunset Wheats on Fire Sale. After that a few of us wandered next door to the Silly Goose for their Bloody Mary bar. Then the gang decided to cook out on a rooftop in South Main. I decided I wanted to remain in the core for Memorial Day Sunday, so I parted ways from them and wandered over to Kooky Canuck for their $2 beer day. Then back to the Saucer, then the Goose, then joined a friend for a burger at Huey’s which we managed to order 5 minutes before their kitchen closed. So I had a 15 hour day out at the bars Saturday, and a 14 1/2 hour day Sunday. Gotta love holiday weekends.
I won’t hit the double digits today, but it is Monday Fun Day. Soon as the laundry gets out of the dryer it’ll be time to get started. Mmmm… $2.75 Dos Equis Lager at Pint Nite prices. Of course, it’s also dollar Depression-era cocktail night at the Silly Goose from 5 to 7. If you work out east and get home too late most Mondays to enjoy dollar cocktails, today is your chance! Hope to see you there.